Thursday, January 12, 2012

Good Morning, World


I suppose it was his face on the New Years Eve poster that got Til Schweiger back on my brain recently - he seemed an odd fit, no? He's not a name here yet there he was stuffed between Hector Elizondo and Josh Duhamel. I guess maybe he sells it overseas? Or they just didn't want to fill another box with champagne flutes? He's got to be more bankable than champagne flutes. I'd rather watch him than half the people on that poster, but I realize I am not the majority. I am not the 99%! Alright, back on point. Til's back in my brain, so I feel like posting some pictures of him. Ta-dah! His birthday was a few weeks ago so we can pretend this is a belated best wishes over that and we ignored the whole NYE thing entirely. 

These shower pictures are from some 2001 movie called What To Do In Case Of Fire. Apparently what you do is you climb in the shower with Til Schweiger. I like that answer very much! I will use it next time I am on fire. And yes, that's how I will die, running around while on fire desperately trying to find Til Schweiger and a shower to no avail until I am dead. There are worse ways to go. (No there aren't.) And after the jump see a random assortment of other pictures I have never posted before.

You can see more Til here or here, or at the tag below.


Sean said...

HAWT! Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

caliban said...

He's one of the biggest stars here in Germany.
When he started acting about 20 years ago, he was labeled "The German Brad Pitt".

So, obviously he was the selling tool for "New Years Eve" in Germany (which was re-named "Happy New Year" for the German market). I hated him in the part due to his strong german accent.

Non the less, some of the older pictures are really yummie;)

Jason Adams said...

Sean - I speak a little little German. I took it for several years in highs chool but, well, high school was quite awhile ago. I got some pratice when I went to Switzerland a couple of years ago (and when I was up in the mountains north of Italy this past Summer too) but really I an only manage the basic stuff. I don't know if you were actually asking me that or if that was aimed at Til, but there we have it. ;) Ja!

caliban - I figured he was a big selling point for the movie over there. Unless y'all have some deranged Hilary Swank thing. ;) Anyway I wish he - and my beloved Thomas Krestchmann - got better work here.