Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I Am Link

--- Under Arnie - One week ago today we heard that Rodrigo Santoro had joined the cast of The Last Stand, Arnold Schwartzenegger's new movie with I Saw the Devil director Kim Ji-woon. Today we hear that well-assed Friday Night Lights actor Zach Gilford is joining the movie, too. That "too" is suspect however, because this Gilford news makes no mention of Santoro, and the roles they've both been mentioned for are similar if not identical - as deputies to Arnold's sheriff - so maybe Gilford is replacing Santoro? Dunno.

--- Anna Ahoy - After some story seas with Atonement, director Joe Wright has righted our relationship with Hanna (which I'll be getting a copy of on DVD today, which means we might have the crispest clearest "Eric Bana in wet long-johns" post yet coming very soon!), so I look forward to his take on Tolstoy's Anna Karenina with his muse Keira Knightley (who's also right our relationship, kinda, with her work in A Dangerous Method, which I mentioned briefly here), which has just begun filming. But mostly I'me xcited about this movie because of the rest of the cast, which includes Jude Law and Aaron Johnson and Kelly MacDonald and Emily Watson and Olivia Williams, ooh-rah.

--- Best Boy - I haven't paid much attention to all the movies you can special order from the studios on DVD these days because god, I have enough to watch, constantly. I can't keep up even before thinking about doing this sort of thing. But the name Paul Newman is enough to get me to click on a link so I read this column at AICN about several films you can special order from Warners Archive, and besides all the young Paul Newman goodness to be found - he infiltrates a nudist colony in The Prize! -  they also reviewed Ken Russell's movie The Boy Friend, which I've always wanted to see and missed at the Ken Russell festival that happened here in New York last year.

--- Six Five Thousand - Javier Bardem is apparently in talks to star in something called Hotel Transylvania, where he'll play the descendant of (who else) Van Helsing fighting monsters. The fact that Adam Sandler was hired to "play the voice of Dracula" makes me worry about this project's intentions.

--- Swatter Sequel - Everybody's abuzz (ha ha abuzz, you'll get that in a second) with David Cronenberg having mentioned that he has indeed written a sort-of something like a sequel to The Fly. (Now you get the "abuzz" thing, right? Right?) There isn't much in the way of specifics, so no word on whether it will star Daphne Zuniga, star of The Fly II, or not, but we've got our fingers crossed!

--- Ark! The Herald Angels Sing - It's officially official, Darren Aronofsky is gonna make his movie about Noah and that big ol' boat of his next. I couldn't be more curious about this thing if it were sitting on my face, bouncing up and down.

--- Super Stooges - io9 made a pretty fantastic list of ways you can integrate several super-villains into one movie successfully. The third-to-last one is the best idea ever.

--- And finally, DH has a gallery of new hi-res pictures from The Avengers, check 'em out over here. There's a couple pretty rad pictures of ScarJo to be seen, which doesn't surprise me - anybody else think Joss will integrate her into the center of the team pretty strongly, her being basically the only chick around? Joss'll do her right. But I'm ignoring her in favor of these two shots of Chris Evans, who reignited my lust for him with last night's screening of What's Your Number?, and Chris Hemsworth.

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