Friday, March 06, 2015

Good Morning, World

The best part of waking up is Phillippe in your cup! Alright so who's watching Secrets and Lies, and should I be watching Secrets and Lies? Besides the basic ogling of Ryan I like Ryan as an actor - no he's not particularly "good" but I find him comforting. I guess it's an age thing. He's my people. And I love Juliette Lewis. So spill, y'all. To watch or not to watch? And here I'll loosen your tongues with a bunch more shots of Ryan after the jump...


Bucky said...

I've never understood the appeal. He's looking better as he ages though. Still, doesn't do a thing for me.

Ana Maria said...

yes, I think you should watch it...I was prepared to hate it because I don't like Ryan Phillipe as an actor or physically, but I liked it! It intrigued me enough that I look forward to the next episodes...and even though Juliette Lewis performance has been described as over-acting or try hard, I enjoyed it...

luke said...

In the Australian original, Martin Henderson spent what seemed like every second scene with his shirt off as it was set during the dead of summer (though filmed during the dead of winter hence his erect nipples) so happy to see the tradition has continued with Ryan in the remake.

Anonymous said...

I like these kind of limited series which both Australia and Great Britain do extremely well, usually moody or brooding and often set during Fall, or Winter and in some out of the way place...the latest example being the current Fortitude which by the way features a very sexy Luke Treadaway who alas remains clothed due to all the snow and ice. Anywaaay....Secrets and Lies just doesn't seem to have the umph that these other series have. And in spite or Ryan's shirtlessness, and Juliette Lewis, it just has not hooked me, I've already missed the second episode and don't think I'll go back.

sissyinhwd said...

I like The Slap better. It's extremely well written where this seemed arch & unrealistic. But Phillipe is frickin' HOT

dk468 said...

Ooooh, I was going to write a hate email to this tv critic in that corrupt San Francisco Chronicle, who (hated it and) called Juliette a B-list!
"Juliette, a B-list"?!
B!tch, not in my book! :-p

dk468 said...

can anyone write hate emails to that hack,too ?
He called Ryan a B lister, too!
that rag has the most corrupt (alledly ex) politician California has ever seen as a columnist! go figure!
when they themselves are on the Z list, they have a nerve!!!! ugh!

George G said...

I don't like how he's aged... he's gotten a bit puffy in the face which is all the more apparent since he doesn't have any body fat. Usually guys that lean have lean faces to match, but Phillipe has the countenance of a chubby teenager.

Remington said...

Watch the original Australian version up on Netflix. It's six episodes and it's amazing!!! :)