Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... blowing rings around Joe Manganiello.

I don't know if you guys have ever noticed this, but I tend to lean towards the... excitable. Take this weekend's gay sex scene between Ryan Kwanten and Alexander Skarsgard on True Blood...
... so yeah, excitable, ya see? So when I started watching this behind-the-scenes video for People's hot bachelor's issue oh I'd like to pretend I maintained my cool, my collected, my yadda yadda...

... but I think I actually had a little tiny stroke. (And then another, and another - a whole series of strokes. I suppose you could say...

... I was stroking it. 

Okay that was a long build to a lame joke, let us forget all that happened and take each other by the hand and hit the jump, where an endless supply of gifs and pictures await us. Whee!


Rob91316 said...

A more perfect male specimen has never walked the face of the earth. I can't even look at these pix for more than a few moments at a time without getting a "beauty burn."

AG said...

Just Sex Sex And More Sex!

Can't wait for Magic Mike II!

par3182 said...

[homer simpson drooling sound]

Anonymous said...

what a man!!!! so hot! is joe really or a dream??? i´m sure-my mean-he is the perfect man in&outside! when i look at pics like that i feel so yummmy, mindblowing, in heaven. he flashed me all time i see him! wait for magic mike2, hope i see more of him than in the first film! i wait for sabotage, only for joe manganiello! he is my dream-man&i fall in love with him.