Thursday, November 14, 2013

21 Jock Street

Well this has been a stellar day, hasn't it? It began with Charlie Hunnam's bare bum, it continued on with Evan Peters' bare bum, and now we're got Channing Tatum in a football uniform running around on the set of the 21 Jump Street sequel. (via)

Beautiful day, beautiful day. 
Hit the jump for a whole bunch of pictures!


The Bloody Munchkin said...

You buried the lead with this photoset. Him bent over that dog is the most glorious thing I'll see all day.

MrJeffery said...

so beefy. thumbs up.

Scot said...

and...AND Steven R. McQueen was (unofficialy) announced as NIGHTWING!!!!! He was one of my top 4 picks.(check back to Monday's Adam Driver-ugh!- post) YAY. "I'd pay a dollar to see that..."