Monday, October 21, 2013

Pics of the Day

Maybe I didn't like Zach Snyder's Man of Steel so much, and maybe that's a feeling that only grew worse with time, and maybe I can only hope that the horrific future prospect of having to suffer through Ben Affleck's take on Batman is sending shockwaves backwards through time that are making my grandparents go sterile so I can just get out of that altogether... 

... but that doesn't take anything away from how much I like looking at Henry Cavill bulging in all the right places in (and out of) the Superman costume. It just doesn't. These pics (via, thanks Sal) are from the behind-the scenes footage that'll show up on the BluRay, which is out in November; see a bunch more (including some pleasant shots of him and Michael Shannon pawing at each other) after the jump...


Anonymous said...

There are no words to express how bad man of steel was. As a struggling writer I can't accept less than perfection from movies that cost 250 million to be made. This one was crap. The only thing I liked (other than looking at Cavil and especially in photos like these) is that Lois is not stupid enough to have kiss a man and not recognize him because he is wearing glasses. Now these photos are yummy can't wait for Bluray quility!!!


xex said...

U said it brother.

Rob K. said...

I agree, it was a really bad movie. It pretty much put me off the superhero trope ever since. Mr. Cavill is awful durn purty though.

Derreck said...

.....but where are the shots from the back?