Monday, August 05, 2013

Good Morning, Gosling

Why does this good stuff always get dropped on the weekends? I feel like I'm late to the party come Monday morning. But come on Monday morning, we shall! Ahem.

A deleted scene from Derek Cianfrance's The Place Behind the Pines was released the other day, which involves Ryan Gosling getting stripped down by guards in prison. Boggles the mind, the shot that end up on the cutting room floor don't it? Here's the clip:

So yeah. That's more amazing than anything that happened in that movie. (Not that I hated the movie - here's ye olde review - but still.) If you hit the jump I took way way too many caps from the scene, but come on. Too many? Really? Of this??? Didn't think so.


Anonymous said...

You just made my Monday morning more manageable. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I just want to swing from those flexed biceps.

MrJeffery said...

gah... wasn't ready for this jelly.

iggy said...

Hate to say this, but the too many tatoos and the platinum hair almost (only almost) ruin it for me. Haven't seen the movie, though.

CinemAddict said...

Bless this post...and for getting my copy of this flick delivered a day early.