Monday, June 24, 2013

Good Morning, Gratuitous Iain Glen

And a happy 52 to Ser Jorah Mormont aka the Scottish actor Iain Glen today. Even though he's been working for over twenty-five years and such things do exist out there as I've found dribs and drabs of them, it's surprisingly difficult to come up with a hefty enough dose of gratuity for Mr. Glen - in the wake of A Game of Thrones he's building quite the fan-dom, I figured such things would be sorted out by now. 

Alas, notsomuch. And I'm surprised Thrones hasn't exploited him more but I guess it's important for him to seem the sexless puppy nipping at Khaleesi's heels, and if they showed what he looks like with his clothes off we'd never buy it. It's already hard enough seeing him from the neck up. 

Anyway if you hit the jump I'll offer up the aforementioned dribs and the aforementioned drabs that I could find. They are very fine dribs and drabs, don't get me wrong. I'd just like more.

(most of these are via here)


Anonymous said...

I loved him in Tomb Raider and I expected him to try to seduce Lara to the dark side (he did seduce me. I would join the Illuminati every day for him) but it was a miss oppotunity not really sure thought if he had a chance next to James Bond (Daniel Craig)... Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Check out Painted Lady. At the end of part 1, Iain is with a dude, kissing, getting undressed... He's down to tiny white briefs eventually. It's really spectacular. There are two different times when the camera pans over his body, filling your entire screen with Glen briefs.