Friday, November 16, 2012

Gratuitous Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin

Say that name ten times fast! No seriously, that would be an awesome thing to hear. I can hear it in my head - Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin, Grigori Eduardowitsch Dobrygin! Awesome!

Alright I'm just covering for the fact that I know next to nothing about this dude. He is Russian, and he won some acting awards and got some attention for a 2010 movie called How I Ended My Summer, and also he looks like he looks. Kind of like Hugh Dancy and Ben Whishaw made a baby. I want to see that. And this is enough! If you have seen him in anything, feel free to share. Til then hit the jump for a couple dozen pics.


Will h said...

I have seen How I Ended the Summer, which is decent. He also has some sort of wacky teen Russian action movie about a flying car or something that was on Netflix Instant last time I checked.

Jason Adams said...

I didn't even think to check Netflix yet - How I Ended the Summer is on Instant too! Guess I will see him in something soon enough, then. Thanks Will!