Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Good Morning, World


I feel your pain, James Bagde Dale. I woke up this morning feeling like the groggiest grog to ever grog. Anyway a happy 34th birthday to the Shame actor. (Shame - out on DVD now! I totally haven't mentioned that somehow. Insane.) But wait what's that there was another man in Shame other than Michael Fassbender and Michael Fassbender's man-sized penis? Hard to believe there was room, I know, but it's true. He's the one that complicated already precariously complicated matters by schtupping Sissy and sending brother and sister well off the deep end. (Schtupping Sissy = good album name?)


These shots here though are actually from the short-lived television series Rubicon, which I never saw a second of. Was it worth the effort of being angry at ABC for canceling? Any fans? I certainly wouldn't have minded a weekly dose of the above. 

And apparently he was in the 1990 version of Lord of the Flies? Here's a picture of him in it; since he's only like eleven and in not much I'm not posting it here amid the beefcake shots of him since that would be totally fucking weird. Anyway they made us watch that in school but I don't think I've seen it since. That might be worth a rewatch. But then I'll just get sad about the absence of River again. Sigh.


Sandisan said...

I really enjoyed Rubicon. Really good characters, an interesting mystery/conspiracy story, and James Badge Dale looking pensive a lot. It's a bit slow-going in places, but it builds as it goes along. If you watch, just be warned that the finale was kinda lame, but everything before that was really great.

shaun said...

He also did a turn on 24 as a hot sidekick to Jack...his head was shaved and he looked NICE!

sowhatelse said...

His pictures don't seem to do him justice. I think he's more attractive than shown. A trip to imdb tells me his mother was Anita Morris, a red-haired bombshell who died way too young.

The Bloody Munchkin said...

First I knew of him was The Pacific which was awesome and he was stellar in it, but Ashton Holmes and Joseph The Kid from The Cure whose last name I don't remember ran away with that show.

Ames said...

Rubicon was really pretty good, less for JBD there (though he did pull off some attractive staring into the middle distance) but characters like Truxton and Kale, who were more or less awesome.

Anonymous said...

Rubicon was excellent. The pace and depth of mystery were cleverly captivating. Couldn't believe it got cancelled.