Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wanna Know What I Miss Doing?


I miss posting pictures of a bearded and brawny Henry Cavill tearing across the Man of Steel set without his shirt on, that's what I miss. Deeply. There was a stretch of heaven back in October where we were being inundated with its splendor - oh god see here, and then really see here, and then totally see here, and really really really see here - but then, as all great things must unless you're willing to go the extra distance and by "extra distance" I mean "use duct tape and sternly worded intimidation," it came to an end. Why couldn't the movie just film indefinitely? Why couldn't they take the filming on the road, going from town to town? Because this world is cruel, my friends. Cruel.

Or is it? Hey I found more pictures. Hooray for life!


Anonymous said...

his body is just... I cannot handle... too damn hot.... does not compute....etc

MrJeffery said...

the beard is hot.