Monday, December 05, 2011

There's A Cabin, See, And It's In Some Woods, See


This would show up on a day when I've got real world responsibilities to tend to. Man! You can watch the trailer for The Cabin in the Woods now! It is right on over here. You should recall that this was written by Joss Whedon and directed by Drew Goddard and stars Chris Hemsworth, Fran Kranz (Topher on Dollhouse), et cetera. I watched it quick-like without any sound and took some screencaps below but I really should hold off on saying anything opinion-wise until I can watch it properly. A lot of it is dark and seems to be relying on sound effects which I'm missing entirely right now. But it seems intriguing! Still, you can tell me what you think. Really, you can! It's supposed to come out in April, fingers crossed. See all the caps (including the world's quickest shot of Chris Hemsworth shirtless) after the jump...

Eek dollfaces!

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