Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Join The Armie


I haven't properly watched the trailer for Mirror Mirror, which is what Tarsem's calling his Snow White movie now (as opposed to the other Snow White movie, the one called Snow White and the Huntsman with Charlize Theron vamping it up gloriously), but I did take the time to cap pretty much every shot of Prince Armie Hammer in it anyway, because we couldn't be expected to go without that, now could we? What are we, savages? Hit the jump for all of them.


mac20 said...

Prince Armie wins, and so do we.

James T said...

The problem is that this movie doesn't promise to use Armie's sexuality at all! OK, I know it's Snow White but you don't have to show sex to be hot. The "Theron" version seems hot enough.
This dorky image is becoming too much. They have to bring his dirty self out. Or create it, if he doesn't have it.

iggy said...

Is it wrong to find Roberts ridiculosuly funny in this, even if the whole movie has a Brendan Fraser type of movie vibe?