Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Transformers Alternative


Listen, I love robots. Who doesn't? You'd have to be a total loon not to. They're ROBOTS. Not liking robots is like not liking banana bread or not liking a shirtless Hugh Jackman...

... it is unnatural. 

So I wanted to like the Transformers movies, but Michael Bay went and made that impossible by being an abysmal hack. You can't even see the Transformers transforming in his movies, it just turns into this giant ugly whirling mash of CG, ugh, awful. 

Anyway, basing it off this new trailer alone I think Real Steel might offer an alternative. (via) They actually show the robots! Like, you can see what they are doing in these shots! I could be terribly wrong, it is from the director of the "so awful it made me cry tears of blood" Night at the Museum. I guess we'll see on November 18th.

And if it does suck, hey it's got Hugh Jackman 
bouncing around in gray sweatpants! It can't be all bad.

This totally got sold to the studio as "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots meets Stallone's Over the Top" though, didn't they? I so hope there's a cover of Kenny Loggins' seminal "Meet Me Halfway" on the soundtrack!

1 comment:

party rentals said...

Wow, that looks slick!!!