Friday, July 06, 2007

Transformers In 150 Words or Less


ETA Okay, I was gonna leave it at that because that's really all this movie deserves of my time after having stolen 2.5 (!!!) hours of my life yesterday, but I do feel the need to expound for whatever psychotic reason... probably the same attraction-revulsion reason that I keep going back and watching Michael Bay movies. I think I'm much more of a masochist than I've figured out. Anyway, what most surprised me about Transformers? How freaking bored I was by it about ten minutes in. How? How is that even possible? How does Michael Bay make giant robots fighting each other BORING? I don't know, but he did, in spades. I went into the movie actively preparing myself for idiocy, looking forward to idiocy, trying to push my brain to an admiration of lowest common denominator enjoyment. And as stupid as I can make myself feel - and hey, I even ate a special cookie given to the boyfriend and I for maximum-stupid-making abilities - Michael Bay finds ways to make things stupider. I couldn't have given less of a fuck about any single character or words stiltingly falling out of these actors mouths. Horrible, awful, painful, the lot of it, but even more insulting was HOW BORING it all was; the battles, the explosions, the ROBOT-ON-ROBOT action - SNOOZE. Even my cookie-addled brain was five ten thirty five thousand steps ahead of where this entire clunking braying wreck was going and even knowing I didn't care once. The only reason this thing didn't get an F was Josh Duhamel in Army clothes and I think I smirked a couple times at Shia.

Yeah, that's more than 150 words. Think of it as repayment for the exorbitant 2.5 hours this movie ate of my life. I hate you, Michael Bay.


Anonymous said...

Whyd you even bother? You knew you weren't going to like it and there was nothing that could have possibly made you like it. Am i right?

Jason Adams said...

No, I was hopeful it'd at least be mindlessly entertaining. Two people I trust told me I'd enjoy it if I were in that state of mind, and I went in with that mindset, and optimistic to boot. And at every opportunity it failed to even engage me at my most base yay-things-went-BOOM expectations.

Glenn Dunks said...

Aww. I really liked it. Oh well.

Marius said...

Hm, it's interesting that Glenn and MaryAnn both liked this movie, and it's gotten mixed reviews. I haven't seen Transformers yet, but I suspect I won't like it. I may watch it just to see Shia on the big screen. Love the guy!