Tuesday, February 01, 2011

TGT10: Actor to Actress #7

As mentioned in this year's introduction to the Pantys, we're celebrating our favorite performances of 2010 a little bit differently. Instead of just telling you who my favorite performances of the year were, I tossed the names of my favorite 10 male performances and my favorite 10 female performances into a hat, pulled out one of each sex at random, and will now going to imagine what the hell the two characters these actors so indelibly portrayed would have to say to one another if they ever met. Because why not? Here's our seventh pair. I give you an imagined moment between...


Robert said...

Definitely my favorite thus far. I think they should make a conjoined sequel called "I Am Fish Tank" so that this pairing can really happen.

Glenn Dunks said...

This is amazing.

J.D. said...

It took me like five minutes to read the caption, I was so...distracted by Fassbender's hips. UNF.

Anonymous said...

you are never less than amazing and i bow to your shrine of goodlipants. love and respect ;o))

pantaloni per tutti!