Tuesday, February 01, 2011

TGT10: Actor to Actress #6

As mentioned in this year's introduction to the Pantys, we're celebrating our favorite performances of 2010 a little bit differently. Instead of just telling you who my favorite performances of the year were, I tossed the names of my favorite 10 male performances and my favorite 10 female performances into a hat, pulled out one of each sex at random, and am now going to imagine what the hell the two characters these actors so indelibly portrayed would have to say to one another if they ever met. Because why not? Here's our sixth pair. I give you an imagined moment between...

Howl's Allen Ginsberg (James Franco) &
The Kids Are All Right's Nic (Annette Bening)

Nic: Mr. Ginsberg. It is SUCH an honor to speak to you today. I studied your DIVINE long-form poem Howl at Brown religiously and it spoke to me in such unexpected and MOVING ways. I mean it's so MASCULINE ya know, but not at all afraid to be FEMININE at the same time. Just the beautiful OBSCENITY of it, my god. Love it. Love love LOVE it.
Alan: Mrm yeah is that sperm donor guy around? His COCK fills me with beautiful obscenities too. Cock.


Anonymous said...

Love these. They're so clever!

John T said...

This is by far my favorite of the bunch. Ruffalo is so Ginsburg's type too.

Fernando Moss said...

this pairings are like made in heaven