Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It Is Woman Hear Them Roar

It's been nearly a year since I last mentioned The Woman, Lucky McKee's reteam with his May star Angela Bettis, written by Jack Ketchum. In that time I've seen little bits of news here and there but nothing substantial enough to post about. Until now! The film screened at Sundance and apparently freaked people right the fuck out. You can read a substantial take on what went down at this link (thanks Joe), including videos of said freak-out, but basically I guess the film pushes some buttons with regards to depictions of abuse and misogyny. Because god forbid such topics ever be addressed!

Anyway you can see I'm already staking out my stance, but since I've seen nothing of the film yet I'll step back for now. Still I don't know why you'd go to see a movie about what this movie's about expecting to not be disturbed. I find that desire, the desire to have the topic of abuse addressed in a non-disturbing manner, more disturbing than the idea of a movie about abuse actually, ya know, disturbing. I think that sentence sort of got tangled.


shawnp said...

You had me at "Angela Bettis" but the freakout is like sprinkles on top.

Dale said...

May is one of my favourite horror movies (and probably my most beloved "protagonist slowly goes insane and kills everything" movie)so this just fills me with delight. Actually, the prospect of Angela Bettis in anything ever fills me with delight, but this just sounds so wonderfully disturbing.

And I agree - if it was like The Human Centipede or something, where the aim was to absolutely sicken everyone just for the sake of it, then I would get where Captain Indignant was coming from even if I didn't condone his actions. But if it sickens people to serve a larger purpose, that's completely different. [/soapbox]