Friday, January 28, 2011

I Am Link

--- Winning With Walker - A few weeks ago I polled y'all to see who you thought should win the role of Abe in the upcoming movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I admitted that Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson star Benjamin Walker was my top pick, but in the end y'all picked Timothy Olyphant as your top choice, with Adrien Brody coming in second. Walker came in third. But then in real life he came in first, because he's been cast! So now he better not let me down, or y'all are gonna blame me I just know it.

--- Being Brienne - Since I was aware of the HBO series the entire time I was reading George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series I couldn't help but wonder to myself who the hell they could possibly cast as freckled giantess Brienne the Maid of Tarth every time she was featured. She's a huge player in the series, and one of the most unique sounding ladies I've ever heard described. This massive blond warrior woman repeatedly referred to as completely ugly by all those around her... actresses will just line up to play this part! Well Sean directed me to this post here wherein they find some actresses that could be possibilities. Interesting...

--- Gory of the 80s - How awesome was the year 1986 in horror? Aliens. The Fly. Demons 2 yo. Over at Final Girl Stacie's giving us the run-down and it is mighty fine.

--- The Hammy Games - The little girl whose name I cannot speak lest it get caught in my throat and choke me to death has expressed an interest out loud, in print, in playing the lead Katniss in my beloved Hunger Games. Must... not... write... thoughts... down... police... will... come...

--- Eves San Lowrent - A commercial directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Vincent Cassel? I would like that right now, actually.

--- Landing Park - A little bit of interesting casting spec going on with Park Chan-wook's next one - that'd be Stoker, the one scripted by Wentworth Miller under a pseudonym that was set to star Carey Mulligan and Jodie Foster. Well I guess scheduling has pushed both of those actresses off of it - Carey's gotta go make out with Michael Fassbender so you can't blame her; Jodie's gonna work with Roman Polanski so you can't really blame her either - but Mia Wasikowska, so terrific in The Kids Are All Right and looking great in Jane Eyre, is now circling it.

--- Lil' Goldie - Oscar expert and enthusiast Nathaniel Rogers gives us ten curious thoughts about this year's Oscar nominations.

--- In Time For Elevensies - The Hobbit Curse has dug its claws into Peter Jackson's tummy and the filming's going to be delayed a bit while he deals with a perforated ulcer. Shudder, that sounds horrible and painful. Get well, Sir Pete!

Also on the Hobbit tip, Saoirse Ronan has joined the cast. As the link points out, the book contains zero point zero zero females, so it'll be curious to see where she'll come in.

--- Meryl Nil - Over at Serious Film Michael C. gives us the why and the how of Tilda Swinton's becoming "The Anti-Streep." and it all sounds about right to me. (via Nat)

--- Gimme the Giger - DH takes a look through some reports around the internet on how Ridley Scott's Prometheus might not be as far removed from the original Alien world as suspected. Hey it's got Fassy in it now, it could put lasers on the aliens heads and I'm still gonna watch it.

--- Spanish Flies - There's some news on the third [REC] film, including casting and a bit of a synopsis, right here. I've really enjoyed the first two and am dying to see where they spin this out to so I'll be paying attention to this.

--- Creepy Crawly - If you never got around to seeing director Carter Smith's 2006 short film Bugcrush then you really have been missing out on something special (here are my original thoughts on it) - thankfully TrG over at Post-Mortem Depression has posted the whole thing so you can fix your lack right now.

--- LOL Lola - Speaking of TrG, I don't think I ever properly linked to his review of The Loved Ones, which I only saw and loved because of his most noble effort. He makes the "Run Lola Run" gag I can't believe slipped by me, plus he talks about me a bunch. So of course it's all terribly awesome. In all seriousness it's a fine review go read it.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I missed it but have you shared your thoughts on the up coming Sanctum? If not, care too?

Jason Adams said...

It's weird I don't really have much of an opinion on the movie either way - except to think that wow Ioan Gruffud's career really hasn't turned out how he might've seen it going has it? - but this morning I saw the commercial for it and I had a new thought, mainly that the trailer seems crafted specifically as a way to give James Cameron a boner. The announcer speaks his name as if he were uttering the answer to our existence. It made me chuckle. But mostly I'm feeling pretty indifferent to it at this point. It seems really generic. It might be well done generic and if I hear good stuff on it I could maybe be convinced to see it at some point.

Adam said...

Bugcrush is amazing. Carter Smith needs to do something immediately, even if it has flowers that sound like a cell phone ringtone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, JA.

bcarter3 said...

Well, once again you’ve managed to touch on a whole bunch of My Favorite Things in a single blog entry.

Re: “Being Brienne” After coming to love Miranda Hart in the 1st few seasons of “Not Going Out’, I was sorry to find she’d left the show at the end of the third series, but I’ve just finished watching the second series of “Miranda”, her delightfully silly new sitcom. She’s a wonderful comic actress. Don’t know how she’d be in a drama.

”Hunger Games” tidbits are always welcome. I’m more interested in the casting of this one than of pretty much any other film I can think of.

I had never heard of “Bugcrush” when I first saw it on IFC or Sundance channel a few years ago, so I had no idea what was coming. It was one of the most disturbing films I’ve ever seen. When Carter Smith's “The Ruins” was released a couple years later, I found myself unable to watch it because of how shaken I’d been by the earlier film. (This despite the presence of the luscious Jonathan Tucker!)

Then there’s “The Loved Ones”, w/Xavier Samuel managing to be insanely hot, even when blood-covered, dirty, mute, and mutilated. Without giving anything away--The final confrontation on the road was a knockout!

Jason Adams said...

Yes bcarter3 - The Loved Ones ends on SUCH a strong run with the final fifteen minutes or so just being so gloriously rewarding that it elevates the whole thing past where you think it's gonna be. And Robin McLeavy's performance and character is an immediate classic.

And Adam hear hear to Carter Smith needing to do something new already. The Ruins is terrific - and I loooove Jena Malone's performance in it.