Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Gratuitous Charlie Cox


Just momentarily bringing Mr. Cox up in my previous post about the hunks of Matthew Vaughn movies was enough to send my mind spinning off in his direction. When Stardust came out I made mention in my review that he was crush-worthy but it never came to anything from there. I sort of remember meaning to do a post of this sort of him at the time but I think it proved difficult finding enough photographs to toss a swoon-worthy amount at him, and time passed, and I never saw him in anything else, and the mind fogged up with other more forthcoming gratuitousnesses. A shame! Where have you gone, Charlie Cox? Stardust was not his fault and its failure should not have attached itself to him - he was easily one of the film's highlights (and I've seen bits of the film recently and find it even more charming than I did the first time). Anyway as I said I spun off in his direction today and whaddya know, the internet coughed up a little more of him today than it did in the past. Hooray!



J.D. said...


Jwise said...

Charlie needs to be in more movies -- kinda looks like Hugh Dancy in some of these. Hardy Boys redux perhaps?

Marshall1 said...

Wow, I really like his feet shot:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I'm never gonna get any work done now... ;)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, Yes. Grazie!!

Anonymous said...

He uses a wedding ring in his left hand... I've noticed that on older photos. Do you knoe about his girlfriend, fiance...?