Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Matthew Bomer Seven Times (Plus A Couple)


Now that pretty-boy Mr. Bomer's got a new show I've been getting some traffic on ye olde gratuitous post of his from back when he had another new show... man goes through shows. But maybe this one, called White Collar, will stick? I don't know, I haven't watched it, but I have noticed all the subway posters and there are far worse things to look at when you're waiting for the train in the morning than his dreamy blue eyes. No, seriously, believe me, there are much much worse things to be staring at on any subway platform. Many many terrible things. My brain is filled with them, but I will not poison this pretty post with such filth... such degradation... no, here's some of Matthew Bomer from his new show with some clothes off instead. Much better! (all pics via)



Peking said...

Oh, dear God! I was wishing I could have these images played over and over!! Thank you so SO much. I love pajama pants...*wobblewagglewobble*

Julia said...

He reminds me a lot of Henry Cavill, which is to say, he's gorgeous.

Ariajii said...

The show is actually delicious. That is to say if Crime Comedy/Dramas get you to that happy spot. He's the bad boy gone better of any girls dreams, and sans clothes??? Excuse me sir could you hand me that mop? I have to wipe my drool off the floor.