Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vintage Jared Leto

There was a time - before he revealed himself to be Super-Douche - that nothing could stop me from obsessing over Jared Leto. He was like Jake Gyllenhaal is now for me back in my high school and college days (only less about the talent and more about the pretty). So today, because the news officially broke (that I yammered about back in June) that he'll be teaming up with Sarah Polley for Mr. Nobody has got me feeling forgiving towards him (Sarah Polley brings sunshine and rainbows where ever she goes), I'm setting aside the grossness Mr. Leto's turned into and choosing to remember those golden days of the My So-Called Life era, when Jared still had a twinkle in his eye. In pictures...

I could never - and still don't, really - understand how Claire Danes was able to even look at so much prettiness without passing out or throwing up or something of the sort. Just seeing it in pictures makes me weak still. Has anyone checked her eyesight? Maybe Claire Danes is blind! That'd explain Billy Crudup, at least. (zing!)

And for good measure, because he can still be hot when he tosses off the rock-star bullshit, here's a recent pic of him being hot like he ought to be:



Anonymous said...

what a girl...he used to be so hot. Claire Danes isn't worthy

Barry said...

Jared Leto was amazing in Requiem for a Dream. Best performance of his.

DL said...

Thank you so very much for this.

That picture of him in the bathtub... *faints*

Jason Adams said...

I totally agree Barry - he has given good performances, and RFAD is def. his best. I think he's terrific in Panic Room, too.

Anonymous said...

Damn it, he is one pretty man... :giggles:

sparky2379 said...

oh, jordan catalano. say his name softly and it's almost like praying. *looks for the nearest chaise lounge so he may faint*

Anonymous said...

Please... He's even hotter now that he is all rocker-ish. I love him with the red tips in his hair.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.. What is wrong with you?? Jared Is so much hotter with the black eyeliner. *swoon* I've liked him from being a teen myself and can't believe how people can't like him as much now. Not he's scorchin *drool*