
Two bits o Watchmen casting news - from IESB:
It seems after batting around lots of high-profile names in the early run, they're slashing prices a wee bit... not that I have anything against Matthew Goode (pretty...) or Malin Akerman - Malin was wonderful as the clueless-starlet Juna in Lisa Kudrow's The Comeback, so she's on my good side. I mean... she's no Kate Winslet, that much is certain, but I do like her.

Two bits o Watchmen casting news - from IESB:
"IESB can exclusively report that the role of Adrian Veidt/Oxymandias in Zack Snyder’s Watchmen has been given to Matthew Goode. Goode joins the likes of Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhatton, Patrick Wilson as The Night Owl (both confirmed by our source), Malin Ackerman as Silk Spectre and Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach."
It seems after batting around lots of high-profile names in the early run, they're slashing prices a wee bit... not that I have anything against Matthew Goode (pretty...) or Malin Akerman - Malin was wonderful as the clueless-starlet Juna in Lisa Kudrow's The Comeback, so she's on my good side. I mean... she's no Kate Winslet, that much is certain, but I do like her.

THAT'S how I recognize her name! Thank you!
By the way, your banner is tops!
You a Comeback fan too, rj? Such a genius show, I thought. I want it back, dammit! I need Aunt Sassy!
I don't need to see Julia Louis Dreyfuss holding Lisa Kudrow's Emmy!
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