Monday, June 25, 2007

I Am Link

--- A Beautiful Rumor - FilmIck gives us a possible cast list for Zach Snyder's Watchmen, and Kate Winslet is listed as playing the Silk Spectre. And I just lost complete control of my bowels.

--- My New Boo - the most recent Horror Roundtable at The Horror Blog went up over the weekend where we circle-jerked into a jar and presented it to class. And yeah, eww, sorry for the graphic metaphor - not that it ain't apt here - I just read Stephen King Richard Bachman's BANNED! story "Rage" yesterday (my review - pretty darn good; mid-to-high in the King short-story pantheon I'd say) and he uses the term "circle-jerk" like twenty times in it and it's been beaten into my head.

--- Yay! Glenn did another round of his wonderful "Cinema of the Absurd" series over the weekend, this time focusing on the Mariah Carey epic Glitter. Ya know, I've never seen Glitter, and I feel bad for that. I just... I don't know if I can do it. As much as I love truly awful movies. Mariah Carey = hives, for me. Except that Christmas song she does... come November, I'm whistling that thing over breakfast. What am I talking about? See - loopy. Anyway, Glenn has maybe convinced me to sit down and make myself witness the wonderful horror. But I think I have to wait for it to play on TV. I just can't add it to my queue. That'd hurt me, like physically.

--- Axe ground - the MPAA wised up and gave Adam Green's silly ode to 80's slasher flicks, Hatchet, an R rating. I spoke previously on it having initially received an NC-17 here. The movie's got a good share of gore but it's all so totally over the top. Green is not trying to actively disturb us, he's just having fun, and an NC-17 would've just given people expectations that aren't to be met. This isn't a movie that's gonna disturb anybody. Well, maybe my grandma. Where's the rating for keeping out the elderly? And yes, that's a roundabout way of saying Hatchet's only okay.

--- Even though it's kinda brief it's nice to read an interview with director David Yates, since he's helmed the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (17 days! 17 days!) and is about to film the sixth movie too and I know nothing about him. He sounds like he gets the world o' Potter, at least, and that he likes it, the latter a fact which is even more important to me.

--- He got slimed - Bill Murray is da man. This list, however, is totally absurd. How do you leave off Mister Bob Harris?


Anonymous said...

Glitter is just kind of boring, in my opinion. It's one of those movies (i.e. Battlefield Earth) that is so bad it ceases to be fun to watch it for its awfulness. Plus, the editing is such wannabee MtV crap.

J.D. said...

Yeah, a list without Bob Harris is nothing. NUZZCING!!