Friday, July 28, 2006

Royale, With (American) Cheese

Chris Nashawaty at speaks eloquently (and makes me want to dig out my copy of Battle Royale and watch it right this second) about the wonders of the original film and why Hollywood shouldn't remake it.

Battle Royale is more than just a Japanese Lord of the Flies, it's also a deep indictment against a post-boom generation of lazy teenagers who grew up with everything handed to them on a silver platter. That may sound like a heady interpretation of a film drenched in blood and bullets, but it just proves how rich Battle Royale is. And if I haven't made it crystal clear by now, it's also a hell of a lot of fun."

I've already offered my opinion on the remake here - let Eli Roth direct it! He's perfect; no one else right now does spoiled brats getting their bloody comeuppance better. And he'd have the balls to do it with... well, the guts.

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