Thursday, June 29, 2006

KC's Choice


While I've decided that only highly advanced cloning technology will satisfy my strict demands in casting someone for the Jeff Buckley biopic I spoke of yesterday, KC over at Stale Popcorn has a more realistic, sane suggestion: Jared Leto.

God knows I think highly of Leto's, ahem, physical attributes... he just has yet to convince me he's anything more than a pretty-boy starlet-humper. Ask anyone who knows me - I dedicated years of my life to searching desperately for that kernel of his acting prowess; I own every movie the boy has made since dazzling my teenage-self with his too-cool-for-literacy Jordan "You, like, read and stuff?" Catalano. Yep, Prefontaine, Basil, Switchback, Summer Fling, Sunset Strip... they all sit buried in my gathering-dust video collection.

I will say that, once David Fincher got ahold of him for Fight Club and Panic Room, Leto started making really good, interesting choices, and he's not-half-bad in Requiem For A Dream.... though that film is owned by Ellen Burstyn and Darren Aronofsky.

I am looking forward to seeing how his fat-stunt ends up working out for the Lennon-assassination Mark David Chapman movie, Chapter 27. I think he's got, if not greatness, goodness inside him.

And man, I could stare into those baby blues until I went blind.

(Nevermind that Buckley's eyes were brown...)

Where was I? I put a picture like that up and completely lose my train of thought. Oh right, Jeff Buckley. My long, deep crush on Buckley doesn't permit me to think anyone could ever be up to the task of playing him. I'm biased like that, I guess. But two more hours of my life spent staring at Jared? Never a waste.

Just, don't let him sing. Use Buckley's voice, make Jared lip-sync. For the love of all, please.

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