Just 142 shopping days until Marvel's next whackadoodle superhero movie comes out - Ant-Man strikes on July 17th (the "shopping days" thing wasn't just a rhetorical flourish; this movie's release date is right next to my birthday so you really ought to be shopping) and as seen in the (kinda yawn inducing) trailer Corey Stoll's going to be seen therein wearing a suit and strutting around, and that might end up being the best part.
The second season of his vampire-comedy (it was a comedy right?) The Strain is also supposed to hit this summer, so we'll be full up o' Stoll in the sweaty months! That sounds very nice! So these pictures (via here and via here) are all several months old but incredibly I missed posting them - they're worth posting. Besides being blessedly bald, no fright-wig in sight, he is wearing some very tight pants in the GQ lay-out. Hit the jump for the rest!
Yes, please!
He does indeed wear pants well!
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