The only person at the 10 Years Q&A the other night that I was unfamiliar with (besides the director) was the actor Scott Porter, but by the end I was all, oh yes I will find out about him. In Ten Years he plays the all-around good guy that everybody likes who has moved to Japan, found a girl, and is on the precipice of making the move permanent. With his affable smile and easygoing nature (not to mention well-tailored clothing) it's easy to see why he'll be missed. 
Porter's no doubt familiar to those rabid few of you who watched Friday Night Lights; he was also on Caprica (which is why his face was familiar to me; I couldn't place it) and The Good Wife and he's on Hart of Dixie now, which is what several of these pictures are from. Hit the jump for a bunch!
Jason Street!
Why you no watch FNL, JA? You don't want to watch an incredible TV drama?
Hell no - I hate good things, Will! Haven't you figured that out yet? ;)
Seriously, when are you going to break down and watch FNL? It is so good, and you know me and you know I hate football.
You will never look at Taylor Kitsch the same way again. Almost as dreamy as Jon Snow. And that's saying something!
You need to watch the season he was on The Good Wife (which is a great show anyway). He had an antagonistic rivalry/totally hot for you relationship with Archie Punjabi (who I could go straight for). They had one scene where they end up strip searching each other that is one of the hottest scenes, gay or straight, I've ever seen.
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