You know that cartoony, needle-torn-off-a-record, wheels-screeching-to-a-halt sound effect? That's what accompanied me spying the following picture attached to a post at Twitch about the trailer for some movie called The Cavern that I've never heard of before:

Hello! His name is Eion Bailey and I don't know how I've made it this far in my life without knowing of him. He draws a big red check in so many of the yes-boxes on the list of my favorite things! Dark wavy hair! With blue eyes! And a furry chest! Swoon. He's been all over the place but somehow I'm not familiar, so forgive me if I'm behind the times here. He was on ER for a string of episodes, and he was one of the Band of Brothers (which I haven't seen)... he played Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner in Almost Famous and someone named Ricky in Fight Club. No clue.

And his first role was in an episode of Buffy apparently! I had to look it up; he was one of the cool kids who turned into hyenas and ate the school principal in the first season!

Crazy. Haven't seen that one in years and years. Hrm, what else... Eion got all gay on weirdly cute and recently-everywhere Adam Scott in some movie called Seven and a Match in 2001...

So yeah... not too shabby. Here are some more pictures...
Welcome to the Eion team, JA! I've loved this boy ever since he saved poor Maureen from an eating disorder in "Center Stage!"
Yummer! He's like a butchier (is that a word?) Paul Rudd.
M in DC
Jwise, I saw Center Stage on his IMDb page but yeah... I didn't see that. Dancing movies are my kryptonite! ;-)
M in DC, that's a good call. He reminds me of a young Jason Patric too. And "butchier" can totally be a word if you just believe in it hard enough!
I've adored Eion for about 10 years. Nice of you to join the club ;) lol
Besides Buffy, I liked him in Center Stage and Mindhunters. :)
Nice pick! I remember him from "Buffy" when he's one of the hot bullies. I need to rent that movie he did with Adam Scott, another cutie!
He was good in band of brothers, he reminds me of a younger Paul Rudd
I agree with anonymous...he hits all my Paul Rudd buttons....I love to have said buttons hit!
I knew I recognized him from somewhere! Of course, Centerstage! Great guilty pleasure of a film...see it! Love the final dance...
Saweet! He reminds me of Sean Maguire personally. my god though I wasn't ready for such an onslaught of beautiful pics! grade A!
Loved Eion for eons. Yup, he was in Buffy and I wish he could have been on more. Sigh. (Big Buffy fan, here.) You need to get the two disc series he starred in with Jennifer Garner. He's so swoon-worthy, especially in the role he has there. It's called 'Significant Others' and it's by the people who made Party of Five. It also has Elizabeth Mitchel from Lost.
Even hotter than Henry Cavill.
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