Thursday, March 19, 2015

I'm Sorry, Aaron Johnson

Just the other day I wondered aloud why the sum-total of Quicksilver stuff that we've seen from Avengers: Age of Ultron so far wouldn't fill up a pair of boys-small Superman underoos - were they regretting using a character that was put to great use in an X-Men movie by a different actor just last year? Well they decided to finally give Aaron a little spot-light in the most recent commercial for the movie and...

... ahhhh!!! I was making gifs of his moments in the trailer but they're so brief and flashy I had to go frame by frame and THAT FRAME oh god I will never stop laughing. Sorry, Aaron. I know it's a dick move - I can only imagine the nightmares my face would twist into if glared at frame by frame, but that's why I hide in sewer tunnels and basements. You still pretty and I love you, boo.

1 comment:

Drew said...

I felt exactly the same way about Quicksilver. I'm just hoping Ultron doesn't barbecue him.

And his accent gave me the warm tinglies.