Thursday, February 12, 2015

Good Morning, World

So I hope at least some of you watched Schitt's Creek last night! It is a delight, it delights me, and I'd like to continue being delighted for as long as they want to delight me. I mean it's not terribly dependent upon the US audience - the show's already been renewed for a 2nd season in Canada, so it'll be out there in the world. But that's not the point - the point is shit... excuse me, Schitt's is funny. And it is there waiting to delight you. Take advantage. 

That's co-star and writer Dan Levy seen up top (via his Instagram) by the way, flaunting his impressive eyebrows. Those are nearly Colin Farrell level eyebrows, you guys. Is there such a thing as "taking an eyebrow ride"? Well there should be.

1 comment:

DCameron said...

Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy are treasures, but I thought this was funnier when it was done before - as Arrested Development.