Thursday, November 06, 2014

You Reap What You D'oh

Hey did you guys know that Michael Shannon and Samantha Morton starred in an episode of Goosebumps? It was titled The Revenge of Doctor Mom & Nurse Dad (at least until some bozo in Hollyweird decided to re-title it The Harvest) and it was all about what a brain-fuck having Michael Shannon and Samantha Morton as your parents would be. And also marshmallows. Lemme tell you something - you haven't seen marshmallows be threatening until you've seen Michael Shannon handle marshmallows. (Say that ten times fast: Michael Shannon handles marshmallows threateningly, Michael Shannon handles marshmallows threateningly, et cetera.)

I think that RL Stine got the plot of The Revenge of Doctor Mom & Nurse Dad from his time spent working on 7th Heaven (or at least watching it) - they rejected it because they couldn't imagine Stephen Collins making marshmallows threatening. Enter Michael Shannon, stage left, thunderclap. The Revenge of Doctor Mom & Nurse Dad tells the spooky tale of two precocious teenagers, young love, a fateful wheelchair trip through the cornstalks, kidnapped babies, marshmallows, a fight for the Little League pennant, and Samantha Morton drooling in the forest.

Listen, much like Michael Shannon with marshmallows, Samantha Morton, she's a top-tier trooper, you guys. This piece of shit was like a dare she took, I think - can I take a straight-up ham-bone and spin it into a human being? Samantha Morton, she will open up those big beautiful eyes of hers wide, her mouth will quiver or twist; that sly smile you think is kinda shy, kinda coy, kinda sweet, it will ripple into the scariest fucking snarl like lightning across a bubbling midnight-blue sky. Samantha Morton, she will sell you like nobody's business.

But at what price? What price, Samantha Morton??? Amusing-myself-for-shits-and-giggles posturing aside, The Harvest (real title) reads like the back panel on a box of Ben-Gay - this shit is thick and stinky and it's gonna make you feel like an old person. I have my endless aches and pains so thanks but no thanks, movie.

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