Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I Am Link

--- Web Head - The head of Sony says that the studio's plan is to make a new Spider-Man movie every single year. Listen I love Spider-Bum as much as the next Lycra fetishist but that is ridiculous. I would like  Andrew Garfield to be able to act in something else in the conceivable future. I'm sure they think that they can just replace him after a couple movies like they did with Tobey now that they've set that precedent - goddamn this already exhausts me. Speaking of Andy though, here is news on him actually working on another project - he is in talks to star opposite Helen Mirren in something called The Woman in Gold, about the aunt of the woman in Klimt's famous painting and her battle to get that work and others away from the Nazis.

--- Cell Stand - A couple bits of Stephen King news today - first off here's the first picture from the adaptation of his book Cell (about cell phones turning people into zombies) that's currently being shot; in it you can see John Cusack (blah), Samuel L. Jackson (sure) and Isabelle Fuhrmann (hells yeah!). The guy who made the second Paranormal Activity movie's directing. And then there's the news that they've picked yet another director to try to make a new version of The Stand - this dude who directed an upcoming YA adaption called The Fault in Our Stars (anybody read it?) is going to try what so many before him have tried and failed. Click over to that link and read the bit about this guy's crazy connection to King though, it's something.

--- Fassy Britches - Over at The Film Experience Nathaniel got to interview the legendary costume designer Patricia Norris about her work on 12 Years a Slave; as I joke-tweeted I can't believe he wouldn't drop a single query about strapping down Michael Fassbender in such a loose trouser situation. I do love that Nat got in questions about Michelle Pfieffer in Scarface though! We loooooove her in that.

--- Hell No We Won't Leto - I guess I missed the memo that Ed over at Slant has a hate-hate thing going on with Jared Leto, but it's only making me like Ed more, and I already liked Ed plenty - this open letter to Jared on the eve of his probable Oscar win is beautiful acid-tongued stuff, beguiling my heart. I'm so angry about Jared winning an Oscar for DBC that I feel retroactive guilt for all the years post-My So-Called Life that I hung onto my one time obsession and kept mentioning his name when there was no call to.  If only we'd let him and those now-tarnished memories of Jordan Catalano fade into nothingness!

--- Big Little Night - As far as Oscar think-pieces go, it's probably a good idea to give your Oscar attentions, which no doubt are spread thin this week leading up to the whizz-bang festivities, to somebody as drop-dead smart as Nick Davis, who wrote up this great piece on this year's shrunken pool of nominees for The Advocate. Memorize it and then at your Oscar party you can pretend you're the smart one!

---  Future 50s - This is too close to my departure for Italy for me to realistically think going myself is a good idea, but man this is cool. The fine folks at BBQ Films have taken to putting on nifty movie events here in NYC (I remember they did a Fifth Element themed cruise around the city last year that I really wanted to go to, too) and this one's some sweet stuff - they're holding an "Enchantment Under The Sea" 50s prom dance a la Back to the Future, along with a screening of the film! If you're here in new York, I think you probably have to go to this.

--- Apple Pickers - I have to remind myself when I instinctively flinch at the name Aaron Sorkin (his tv shows have always gotten on my last nerve) that he did write The Social Network and I liked that movie just fine. So maybe him re-teaming with David Fincher will work out just as fine. A movie about Steve Jobs though? Uh hello I think we all know that Ashton Kutcher owns that role now.

--- And finally I had just been thinking about the actor Michael Campayno who played the sexy short-panted Rolf on NBC's live Sound of Music event way back when - the tweet I tweeted snapping a picture of his bountiful Nazi assets remains the most popular tweet I have ever tweeted, and it still gets more retweets every day. Campayno himself even said thanks to me! Naturally I also did a big post celebrating all that jazz, with bountiful caps. Anyway Campayno just did a show with the underwear band The Skivvies (yes that's a thing) last week and there are videos from the show and in one he wears little pink underpants and in the other he wears the Rolf lederhosen without much else, and it's totally all you'd hope it could be. And more really. (thanks Mac) Here are the two videos from the show below. You're a gift that keeps giving, Michael.


The Bloody Munchkin said...

It is that a phone in the pocket of your liederhosen or are you just happy to see me? Oh, it's actually a phone. I see. How disappointing.

Bill Carter said...

Just read the Ed Gonzalez piece on Jared Leto. Jesus!

Gotta disagree w//you on this one. I didn't find it "beautiful acid-tongued stuff". To me, it was just hateful, vile, and ugly.