Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Climb Climb Up Gyllenhaal Mountain

Well now Jake's too shaggy by a mile and a half look that we were deriding yesterday makes some more sense - he's not on vacation in Rome, he's shooting that Everest movie! Duh. And look at those sassy extensions he's got. Sassy. Two things on this - I guess this means that he's not going to be there for the screening of Enemy here in New York I'm seeing tomorrow, unlike originally advertised, which sucks. But on the positive side maybe this means he will indeed be in Italy when I'm in Italy, so I'm just gonna go ahead and plan for him being there under my covers when I get to Naples then.


AG said...

I know he is filming now but my oh my that look :C

das buut said...

Whoa! That's the hottest dwarf I've ever seen. He can slay me with his battle axe any day!

I dunno why, but without the extensions, he's a hobo troll, yet with them, I totally want to bang that caveman's drum. He looks almost feral, like this wild animal that'd grunt the whole time he's fucking you.