Friday, January 17, 2014

The Moment I Fell For... Julia Roberts

"Well color me happy! There's a sofa in here for two!"

Pretty Woman was such an integral part of my adolescence (no I don't know what it says about my mother that she let me watch Pretty Woman like at least once a week for a huge chunk of my early teen years either) that it'd really be impossible for me to pick the one moment from it that was the specific moment that I fell in love with Julia Roberts - it could be that, it could be this:

Edward: You're on my fax.
Vivian: Well that's one I haven't been on before.

It could be this...

(Thirteen Year Old Me had it in common with Every Age Me that we all really want to grab Richard Gere by the back to the knees and yank him onto us, and we admire her gumption in this respect.)

Thing is I could just post any moment from any scene start to finish in this movie (okay maybe not the part where Jason Alexander's trying to rape her) and say that was the moment. And yeah now that I'm a big boy I'm fully cognizant (I mean I use words like "cognizant," you have to believe me) of the film's regressive sexual politics. I just don't care - Julia's just too goddamned charming and Richard's just too goddamned hot and I want to be a hooker with a heart of gold and an unlimited Rodeo Drive charge account dammit. Stick your gender studies where the sun don't shine - I'm a fucking princess!

This post is brought to you by how charming I thought Julia was at the Critics Choice Awards last night, and the fact that her performance in August Osage County has grown on me over the past couple weeks. She certainly shouldn't be winning any Oscars for it (I'm full on Team Lupita) but I'm happy she's bouncing around the awards shows right now, seeming not to really give a damn, oozing that old Viv-age charisma that I've been missing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my lord, Richard Gere is, was, and always will be beautiful. I can't tell you how many times I watched American Gigolo growing up just to stare at him. He was, and is, still gorgeous. Great taste!