Monday, November 11, 2013

Baby Bird To Ben's Big Bat

Over the weekend word sprung up that Girls star Adam Driver might be playing the Robin to Ben Affleck's daddy-bat in that Batman vs. Superman movie that Zack Snyder's making next. (Or maybe we're calling Robin "Nightwing" now? Is that cooler? Nightwing just makes me think of being stoned and eating chicken wings at 3 in the morning.) Anyway so Adam Driver. I like him on Girls very much! (And he was maybe the best thing in Inside Llewyn Davis, if you ask me - he popped up for two minutes and was delightful.) He's awfully idiosyncratic for Snyder's Metropolis though - he'll have more personality than Henry Cavill will know what to do with. (Then again I would've said that about Michael Shannon before seeing the movie, and Snyder managed to beat him down into a single dimension of nothing but super-screaming.)

Anyway the next day I read that Adam's not the only name being put out there - I also heard that Ezra Miller (of We Need to Talk About Kevin and The Perks of Being a Wallflower) and Penn Badgley were maybe possibly maybes as well. And since this is becoming a thing, expect a bunch of agents to plant stories with their clients names in the pile today - Justin Bieber! Tom Selleck! Yassir Arafat risen from the grave! Until then, two things - you guys tell me out of these first three names who's your pick for Robin I mean Nightwing. And then we'll celebrate with five more pictures of Adam Driver, hooray!


mangrove said...

Yeah, Adam seems he'd be more Zack's alley (huhu), but having Dick be as tall as Bruce could be a problem visuals-wise. Ezra could play up those mean twink vibes, so I voted for him.

Melissa said...

Adam and Ezra would act circles around Batfleck.

Plutarc said...

Zack Snyder wouldn't cast Ezra in anything because he's gay, so don't get your hopes up, girls. :/

Scot said...

I was thinking Matt Bomer might be a good choice but maybe a bit too old. How about Liam Hemsworth or Steven R. McQueen. Do you think Christopher Gorham would be a good Nightwing?