Monday, October 28, 2013

The Purge in 275 Words or Less

Not as terrible as I anticipated, but then I was anticipating a real shit-storm - a shit-hurricane! - and all I got was a little shit river. A shit babbling brook, if you will. Alright I'll stop with the shit talk. When The Purge was being advertised I hollered left right and sideways that I hated its high concept - that in the future one day of the year would be set aside by the government for total wild-west style lawlessness, in order to help people get out their bottled-up aggression and be good folks for the other three-hundred and sixty four. It's just a pill I cannot swallow - it is a ridiculous concept. I'll take dinosaurs resurrected from fermented tree sap; I'll take Nomi believing she is a dancer. But this was too much! Oh I get what they're going for - and if I didn't, the movie's not exactly subtle in sledgehammering home its "haves versus have nots" intentions - it's just an allegory my disbelief refuses to suspend itself for. But the movie gets past that nonsense quick enough and becomes just another home invasion thriller, gussied up with masks cuz somebody thinks masks are scary and girls in white dresses swinging on swings because somebody thinks that is scary, and so on. I don't especially, but the actors are all pretty good (I really will watch Lena Headey do anything) and it's really easy to hate really rich people, so you know, sometimes it sucks you in!


John said...

I know a young guy at work who suggested it and at the time I never even heard of it. I thought it was good even though the movie seems to mirror the news these days. I didn't expect it to end the way it did (I won't give it away). Those creepy kids with the masks...

Anonymous said...

Yeahhh it was awful. You can tell the filmmakers thought they came up with some brilliant and clever set up but they never do anything interesting with the concept and the whole thing comes across as simple minded and shallow. The acting was bad across the board.