Wednesday, October 09, 2013

I Am Link

--- Mister SMG - Well hello there, Freddie Prinze Jr. - I guess taking some time off with your awesome wife was good for you. Did anybody see any of Witches of West End? I don't know how I stumbled into ten minutes of it but man, it is just Charmed, right? Totally Charmed.

--- Where There's Will - He didn't mention this yesterday when I spent the afternoon with him (sorta) but Alexander Payne's lining up his next project after the Bruce Dern starring Nebraska, which is playing the New York Film Fest this week - it's called The Judge's Will and it's based on a story from The New Yorker about an old man in Bombay who's trying to make sure both his wife and his mistress are taken care of after he dies.

--- Mind Over Matter - I haven't had the chance to watch this yet but it sounds fun, even if I'm not keen on the Carrie remake - the folks behind that movie set up a fake coffee shop in NYC and secretly videotaped patrons who were confronted with a girl's telekinetic freak-out, and here's the results. I wish I'd stumbled upon this!

--- Kidnap Me Kwanten - Three cute guys for the price of one (I mean they are cheap) - Ryan Kwanten, Jim Sturgess and Sam Worthington have joined the cast of Kidnapping Freddy Heineken, about the real-life kidnapping of the beer heir back in the 80s. It's already got Anthony Hopkins starring; dunno who's playing who though.

--- Rough Cuts - Didn't get a chance to link to this befroe so here's some words I wrote up at The Film Experience earlier this week about Bong Joon-ho and the controversy surrounding Harvey Weinstein's re-editing of Snowpiercer.

--- Heart Beat - You'd be wise to be paying attention to the folks over at Tribeca Film all this month because they've got a daily dose of Halloween-themed mayhem on the docket, but here's our pal Joe talking about the classic trailer for Dario Argento's masterpiece Suspiria to start things out. Oh and here he is comparing the ghost hunters in Poltergeist and Insidious. As an aside, I am hoping to do something Halloweeny here once all this Film Festival stuff is out of the way, so stay tuned!

--- Hump Day - It's just your standard "Oh it's so weird humping on another person in front of a crowd of smelly teamsters and recent film school graduates!" comment, but we'll always link up to Michael Fassbender talking about shooting sex scenes (this time around it's for Ridley Scott's The Counselor) because we want to think about Michael Fassbender plus sex whenever we can. Honestly though, I just don't believe Michael Fassbender finds shooting sex scenes awkward. Nothing in Michael Fassbender's life is awkward. Everyone and everything turns to melted butter in his presence.

--- Freaky Happening - There's nobody attached to making it yet or anything, they just released a press release about wanting to, but somebody somewhere wants to make a movie about the making of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls - specifically the friendship between Russ Meyers and Roger Ebert - and we're so entirely on board with that idea.

--- And finally I can't believe Gremlins is turning 30 next year - that seems impossible. But the math stands! Damned math. So anyway The Playlist dug up this old behind-the-scenes special about the movie with some footage from the set and what not, watch it below. Vintage Zach Galligan is everything.


1 comment:

The Bad-Ass Penguin said...

I totally watched Witches of East End. I'm in... they got me. I thought it was going to be Velveety cheesy but I think they've got good stuff to work with... there IS a little cheese...more of a Colby or Monterey Jack.