Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bryan Fuller's Full Moon Men

Forward momentum on Hannibal creator Bryan Fuller's other latest exciting gig, one we've been keeping en eye on since official inception - the SyFy drama High Moon, based on John Christopher's curious book The Lotus Caves, has signed its two leading men. Chris Diamantopoulos - who's done tons of TV from 24 to The Office (he also played Moe in the Three Stooges movie, and I see him in commercials all the time and think "Hey it's Moe!" which he's probably ready to move on from, I'd wager) - and Jake Sandvig - he was in Easy A, amongst other things - will play brothers; Diamantopoulos is an investigator sent to the Moon when there's an explosion, while Sandvig is a convict who's doing hard labor on the Moon near where the explosion happens. And then... things happen! Dun dun dun. Fuller's really only producer on this (he has original story credit); the actual pilot script was written by Pushing Daisies' writer Jim Danger Gray. In summation, here's a shot of Diamantopoulos at the beach.

1 comment:

The Bloody Munchkin said...

What, no Jake Sandvig shirtless? It's a sad day in which we live.