Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aaron Johnson Ass Watch 2013

The Playlist has a new batch of pictures from the upcoming Kick-Ass sequel and the most important thing contained therein is the information, seen in the photo on the left, that his big hefty bullet-proof body-armor leaves his most magnificent asset exposed, a la chaps. As all we'd seen so far of that costume was from the waist-up we had cause to worry. Sleep easy tonight, fellow admirers! Oh and as long as we're here discussing this very important topic here's a shot of him in costume from the first film that is new to me, and worth a once (or fifteenth) over.


Sharmaraus said...

They released B-roll for Kick-Ass 2 and there are multiple shots of his naked torso and VPL.

Tilly said...

This is cool!