Friday, April 05, 2013

Pics of the Day

I was going to say "we've" been waiting for the first pictures of the cast in Snowpiercer - the sci-fi "post-apocalypse on a train" movie with the kick-ass cast from the Bong Joon-ho, director of The Host - but I don't know, have "we"? I keep rambling about it but nobody seems to care. Anyway I have been waiting for these. You can see all of them over at Slash, including shots of John Hurt, Octavia Spencer, Ed Harris, so on - but I grabbed the three that matter most to me, those being Tilda Swinton, Chris Evans and Jamie Bell, seen here. I cropped the entire images - they're actually done up as character passports, so click over for all that jazz. I just wanted to see these folks faces, sue me. I do hope everything doesn't stay quite so mud colored, though. Or, in the cases of Evans and Bell, covered up.

1 comment:

Joe K said...

About time. This would be my most anticipated movie of the year, if it weren't for Celine and Jesse's latest romantic shenanigans, and some guy named Alfonso Cuaron playing around with Sandra Bullock in space. Seriously, can't wait though.