Monday, April 29, 2013

Fassy Is Fair, And Fair Is Fassy

I couldn't even make it through gathering up the news for the previous post's round-up without seeing this news pop up on a thousand different sites at once so, yeah, you probably heard this by now. Michael Fassbender is going to play Macbeth. That all on its lonesome is quite special news indeed, worthy of enthusiasm. 

But the corker methinks is that he's making the movie with the director of Snowtown (aka The Snowtown Murders), a terribly terribly disturbing Australian serial killer movie that was my 4th favorite Scary Movie of 2012. You can read my entire review of it right here. I found it horribly upsetting, in precisely the correct way a grisly serial killer movie needs to be upsetting.

So Michael Fassbender plus Bill Shakespeare plus this up-n-comer director capable of real power and horror - there's a heckuva lot of horror to play around with in Macbeth - needless to say, I can safely sign my name on this in ink. Blood, even.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds amazing! Snowtown was one of my favorites from last year. Such an unsettling masterpiece of a film. You can sign me up for this one too!!!