Monday, December 10, 2012

The End in 175 Words or less

The Big Chill meets The Rapture, with some Lost and maybe a little Vanishing on 7th Street (sans shadows, sans Thandie) sprinkled on top, so goes The End. With a bang and then a prolonged whimper - the sounds of individuals snuffing out, the air rushing in to fill their misplaced atoms. What was it that that great poster for Children of Men said? "The last one to die please turn out the light"? This is a feature-length telling of that light being turned off. I'm inclined towards its spiritual nihilism much more than I am something along the lines of Life of Pi, in the philosophical sense, so I want to recommend it on that score. There are deeply unsettling moments - the stars blinking out, the dogs getting hungry. It doesn't entirely pan out though - it purposefully places two ciphers at its center, and we're not let in quite enough to find ourselves moved by their predicament in, well, in the end.

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