Thursday, July 26, 2012

With A Friend Like Carrie


I'm just going ahead and getting that title out of the way since it's so right there to be gotten away with. Boys Don't Cry director Kimberly Pierce is currently remaking Carrie, much to the agita of us all. The Playlist's reporting that once she's done with that, she's going to remake another Movie I Love, the truly terrific 2000 French thriller With a Friend Like Harry. Harry introduced me to the unexpected sexiness (link NSFW) of the creep Sergi Lopez years before liquor seeped through his facial slit in Pan's Labyrinth

I was always pretty surprised that Harry never got remade before, so the only thing surprising me now is that it's taken this long for this to happen. Alright I suppose the fact that this remake was written by Wentworth Miller is also surprising, but less so since Park Chan-wook went and made a movie starring Nicole Kidman with the Prison Break star's words. What this is really telling me is I need to be friends with Wentworth Miller. He likes the things I like! It's meant to be.


Will H said...

Totally in love with this remake of Carrie because it's everything the Internet hates in one place.

Also in love with this transformation of Wentworth Miller in to go-to screenwriter. Very bizarre.

shaun said...

I had totally forgotten about that Harry movie...I need to revisit it weird, but so good!

Prospero said...

I was writing reviews for the now-defunct when i saw "With a Friend Like Harry" and commented on how Lopez was "unconventionally sexy." I was so pleased to see him play the villain again in "Pan's Labyrinth."

The Bloody Munchkin said...

"Also in love with this transformation of Wentworth Miller in to go-to screenwriter. Very bizarre."

Did not see that one coming either, because there were trees that could act less wooden than him in Prison Break. Never figured him for a screenwriter, like at all.