Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Good Morning, World

Terminator and Aliens star (not to mention The Fan!) Michael Biehn, who is turning 56 today, deserves a proper gratuitous post filled to the gills, and I totally planned on doing it this morning for his birthday... but I got so distracted by a series of pictures trying to figure out what they're from that it ate up my time and attention and so proper gratuity will have to wait. It's these shots below (I think the ones above of him in the shower are from something else) and I could not for the life of me figure out what movie they belong to. Anybody know? I must know.

Somebody must know. I feel as if once you've seen such things in motion there can be no forgetting.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

...and that, ladies and gentlemen, is Beihn capital I could really get behind. (-; ~R.

Anonymous said...

The Fan?

Scot said...

I was thinking The Fan also but now I'm thinking Navy Seals

Sean said...

Oh yes, we must mention the Fan merely for Lauren Bacall's singing chops!

Shelleyfranco8863 said...

The shower one is from a movie he did in 78 called 'coach'
The other is from 'american dragons'