Tuesday, February 07, 2012

So Are These Two Doing It?


Not that every pair of gay people you see on the street or eating in a restaurant are making like bunny rabbits behind closed doors, but since we play this game with every pair of heterosexual folks we see even passing each other on the street I think I'll sleep alright tonight asking if these shots of Zachary Quinto and Jonathan Groff staring into each other eyes over a plate of eggs means one of them has had the other's ejaculate in their vicinity at some point. I should hope so. It would be a real waste if not. (pics via)


Anonymous said...

I thought it was already confirmed these two are a couple, no?

Jason Adams said...

Yeah? I missed it.... and yup, doing some googling right now it does appear that word's been around about it for awhile.

I'm always the last to know!