Tuesday, December 06, 2011

I Am Link

--- Way To Go Wallis - I don't think I've said much about Madonna's movie W.E., so let's see what I have to say now that there's a poster and a trailer - where do we stand on Tom Ford's A Single Man at this point in time? I feel like people decided they hated it eventually, but I loved it, and I continue to love it. I know it's an assemblage of other people's influences piled up and slowed down, but I love it anyway. Anyway it's no more that than Xavier Dolan's Heartbeats was, and everybody creamed themselves over that without guilt (me included). Point being, I have been prepared by (excessively hateful) Word On The Street to look at W.E. through the lens of Tom Ford's movie, and if it lives up to that then I might end up liking it.  Or some of it. Or something. Since I don't have to look at Madame's Madonna's face, I am fairly indifferent to her presence. And lord knows I want poor Abbie Cornish to catch a damn break.

--- Speaking of blonds with very bad luck, hiya Sienna Miller! You really just have it out for yourself don't you? Signing on to play Tippi Hedren in that movie I told you about about Tippi's relationship with Alfred Hitchcock is one way to cut your own head off, innit? As for me I don't really dislike Sienna - homegirl knew enough to jump back on top the Jude Law Express - so I could be brought around on this.

--- Say Yes To The Uterus - I really don't link to Nick's often enough, so let me link to his latest write-up, this one about David Cronenberg's masterpiece (you know, one of his masterpieces) Dead Ringers, and from there you should just click on every link in sight because there aren't many people writing online about movies as well as he does. Read what he says about Geneviève Bujold's wonderful work:
"Bujold takes a woman who could be boiled right down to a grotesque high concept—a pill-popping actress and bondage enthusiast whose mutated, three-chambered uterus is an object of horror and fascination for the Irons characters—and she makes her mordantly intelligent, frankly self-confident, and incongruously "normal" without being boring for a single second. She never seems like she's not doing something for her scenes, whether inserting an unexpected pause or offering a smile when you expect a grimace or playing a confrontation as a seduction, and yet she never ever feels like she's acting for a camera. She suggests a filthy mind, a fond self-image, and a feminine practicality all at the same time, with zero signs of strain."
--- Sam's Gams - Slash was kind enough to round up a bunch of sequel news in one spot - they've got the first picture of Sam Worthington in his skirt in the Clash of the Titans sequel (his skirt seems longer, do not like), as well as word on a sequel to Insidious (okay) plus where the Jurassic Park franchise stands right now - why is it so hard to write a script about rampaging dinosaurs? It's not rocket science. Give me ten minutes and I will have you movie for you, Universal. And it will be fucking awesome. Dinosaurs attack, on an island, the end. Cue three hundred billion dollars.

--- Stealing Lindsay - Sofia Coppola's next movie might be about that group of teenagers who robbed celebrity's houses several years back, which sounds about as perfect a topic for her to cover as I could possibly dream up.
--- His Father's Son - Twitch has the first picture from David Cronenberg's son Brandon's first movie, called Antiviral. It stars Caleb Landry Jones, who was very good in X-Men Muppet Babies, and sounds chipped right off his papa's block, with the body horror stuff.

--- Red Lady - Since I haven't gotten around to writing anything on the Tori Amos concert I went to last week, you should read Joe's take on it since he was sitting right next to me and I agree with what he said. Ahh, easy.

--- And finally, this list of good actors' turns as awful super-villians at io9 is a lot of fun to read through, but mostly because I love so many of these horrible campy performances and it makes me want to watch them all again. Faye Dunaway in Supergirl is genius!


zyzzyva said...

Just wanted to pipe up that the Boyfriend and I adored A Single Man! So much that we bought the soundtrack and the DVD.

Tara said...

More body horror, please!

Andrew K. said...

"And lord knows I want poor Abbie Cornish to catch a break." Lord knows. Lord knows.