Friday, November 18, 2011

We'll Call It "Swap Meet"

Quick! Imagine this! You find yourself in one of those interminable body swapping comedies. Let's say you're hurriedly walking past some crazy red carpet premiere trying to get to work with your latte when Lil' Ryan Seacrest is suddenly in front of you and you trip right over him and fly into a young starlet getting out of her limo and your latte hit some wires and an electrical surge makes you and the Starlet do the body-mind switch thing. So...


maja said...

zoe, and it's just for the fassy. fassy beats everyone and everything (and by everything i mean that seyfried hair. THE hair! i watched "chloe" just the other day and couldn't get my eyes off her hair. she would make a magnificent rapunzel.)

Joe Reid said...

Haha, Penn Badgley, you lose. Seyfried all the way.

shawnp said...

it could be danny devito, carl rove, tom cruise, fassy.


although I'm not sure who the starlet would be.

billybil said...

Do this sort of Swap Meet all the time! This is totally fun to imagine!!!

Summer Swiftly said...

I want the Fassbender, but I don't want to be Zoe.