Tuesday, November 08, 2011

I Am Link

--- The Munster  Smash - As an equally thrilling addendum to yesterday's news that NBC's working on a Hannibal Lecter show with Pushing Daisies genius Bryan Fuller, now comes word that they're also getting in the official business of his Munsters remake as well! We'd heard about this project way back when, just as we had with the Lambs show, but it all seems to be coming together. Gloriously! My mind reels from the casting possibilities alone.

--- Sit And Spin - File this away under Things To Stalk This Friday (everybody has a file labeled that, right?) - Jake Gyllenhaal attends a spinning class in Union Square every Friday afternoon. Okay he probably won't do it now that The New York Post has divulged this information - why couldn't they have just sent me the memo?

--- The Posies of Peace - Zhang Yimou's movie with Christian Bale, The Flowers of War (I hate that title), is actually getting a release before the end of the year! I didn't think we'd see it that soon, but they want it out for an Oscar bid it seems. Zhang Yimou, man. Yes.

--- Dome Dude - Well this news just blew my socks right off. Bye, socks! Brian K. Vaughn, the man who wrote the epic, the brilliant comic series Y: The Last Man, has been hired to write Showtime's adaptation of Stephen King's book Under the Dome. Vaughn did a lot of TV work over the past few years for Lost. Also, he fucking rules. I liked Dome as a book too, and it's got a rich cast of characters and world to dive into, so this has a lot of potential y'all. Maybe next they can make a Y: The Last Man miniseries!

--- Cam Slam - io9 lists all of the first-person found-footage horror movies that are coming out over the next however long, and it's a bunch! Blair Witch sure took it's time taking over the culture. This is the first I've heard of James Wan's forthcoming take on the genre, and since he's hot off the terrific Insidious color me intrigued.

--- Shattered Glass - One of the movies that's disturbed me the most, ever, is the 1987 Spanish film In A Glass Cage, and I guess it just got released on BluRay this week. Twitch reviews it. It's an incredibly disturbing movie, but beautiful too, so I'm tempted to watch it again even though... god, it's upsetting.

--- Potter Defile - Over at The Film Experience yesterday Nat dissected the Oscar campaign booklet for the final Harry Potter film, amusingly. As Nat says he's defiantly a Muggle so he and I part ways on our appetite for the boy wizard (that sounded dirtier than I intended), but that doesn't mean I can't be entertained by his incredulity.

--- Bane V Bat - Have y'all seen this video of an epic riot fight scene for The Dark Knight Rises that was apparently filmed down near Wall Street this weekend? (via) I'm sure Batman and Bane running around will look better as captured on Nolan's cameras then it does from this phone video, because damn it looks silly here.

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