Friday, October 07, 2011

Moll Me


I think these pictures of Ryan Gosling in his 40s drawers on the set of Gangster Squad speak for themselves. They say, "Humina humina humina..." (via)


gregory brown said...

Um, I dispute your use of "drawers" to describe the pants. "Drapes" might be a better word. He's wearing "drawers" under them. I wouldn't mind having a look at those....

Jason Adams said...

I knew it was a stretch using "drawers" in this instance but I liked the sound of the phrase ("40s drawers" has a lovely ring) and the online dictionary had "pants" under the definition of "drawers" so I said 'What the hey!" and threw caution to the wind. I'm crazy like that.

gregory brown said...

It's good to be crazy if it sounds good. And "pants" wouldn't do justice in this case. I quibble sometimes.

gregory brown said...

Of course, my understanding might be a regional usage. I'm from Iowa. some say that explains much. If any of your readers have access to THE DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN REGIONAL ENGLISH, they might shed light on this.

Looking at the pictures again, I realize that my tongue is doing odd things, involuntarily.